Living a successful life is one of the deepest desires in most people's hearts, and anyone who says otherwise is probably not being totally truthful, at least conscientiously. Anyone who says that money will not bring you happiness is partially right, however, they need to keep in mind that having bills to pay will not bring happiness either. No one likes to go to the mailbox knowing that there is going to be bills in there that they cannot afford to pay.
So what can we do to get ourselves out of the financial situations some us find ourselves in and on to a greater life we want and may even feel we somewhat deserve? One of the easiest and most effective ways is the read.
Some people like to read and some people do not. Some people vowed that they would never pick up a book again after leaving school. Which ever of the two categories you fall into is irrelevant if you wish to leave behind your average like for a great life.
Books are capable of stimulating our imaginations and taking us to far away places. Books can teach us things that we may have never known without some one to have written them. Some books even allow us to look deep within ourself to discover aspects and capabilities of ourselves that we might not have even known were there. But most importantly books can can help us to change our thinking in order that we can change the way we live.
Go to any bookstore or do a search online and you will be able to find dozens, if not hundreds, of books written about living a successful life. You can find books on how to have better people skills. Books on how to manage your finances better. Books on how to invest and the list goes on an on. Most importantly though you can find books on how to think, which is most important because without proper thought process you really have nothing, which is why most people who win the lottery usually end up worse off then before they won it. They do not have the proper thought process to handle the immediate "success."
Most all people who have achieved any real type of success were readers. Virtually no one is born with the know how to be successful. All of us need to educate ourselves on how to think properly if we want to live successfully. I have heard some very successful business partners of mine say many times that "two things will determine where you end up in life: the books you read and the people you associate with." So whether you like to read or not, and if you have not ever done so, do yourself a favor; find a good book that can help you change your thinking and your life.